Course Structure

This page is for the course instructor.

Rust Fundamentals

The first four days make up Rust Fundamentals. The days are fast paced and we cover a lot of ground!

Course schedule:

Deep Dives

In addition to the 4-day class on Rust Fundamentals, we cover some more specialized topics:

Rust in Android

The Rust in Android deep dive is a half-day course on using Rust for Android platform development. This includes interoperability with C, C++, and Java.

You will need an AOSP checkout. Make a checkout of the course repository on the same machine and move the src/android/ directory into the root of your AOSP checkout. This will ensure that the Android build system sees the Android.bp files in src/android/.

Ensure that adb sync works with your emulator or real device and pre-build all Android examples using src/android/ Read the script to see the commands it runs and make sure they work when you run them by hand.

Rust in Chromium

The Rust in Chromium deep dive is a half-day course on using Rust as part of the Chromium browser. It includes using Rust in Chromium’s gn build system, bringing in third-party libraries (“crates”) and C++ interoperability.

You will need to be able to build Chromium — a debug, component build is recommended for speed but any build will work. Ensure that you can run the Chromium browser that you’ve built.

Bare-Metal Rust

The Bare-Metal Rust deep dive is a full day class on using Rust for bare-metal (embedded) development. Both microcontrollers and application processors are covered.

For the microcontroller part, you will need to buy the BBC micro:bit v2 development board ahead of time. Everybody will need to install a number of packages as described on the welcome page.

Concurrency in Rust

The Concurrency in Rust deep dive is a full day class on classical as well as async/await concurrency.

You will need a fresh crate set up and the dependencies downloaded and ready to go. You can then copy/paste the examples into src/ to experiment with them:

cargo init concurrency
cd concurrency
cargo add tokio --features full
cargo run


The course is meant to be very interactive and we recommend letting the questions drive the exploration of Rust!